Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Windows 10 Anniversary Edition Info Links

PPCUG Member, Carl Nordeen, gave a presentation on this update in September and gave us a document with several good links for more information.

Click here to get that document and check it out.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Win 10 Anniversary Edition Update- check your settings

If you have the version 1607 (Win 10 Anniversary Update) installed, you might want to check all of your settings.  Some of the controls/settings that you had in earlier versions have gone a way (ie, how updates are handled), and others have been set to what MS wants you to have.

Here is an article that covers Privacy Settings that might help you get things back the way that you had before.

Then, there are ads that MS wants you to have....in the Notifications app and in the start menu.  Here is an article that my help reduce or block those and several other tweaks that you may want to explore.